Time period of RLC circuit Practical experiment on RLC circuit

Time period of RLC circuit

Practical Experiment on RLC circuit


Where, value of R= 5 m
ohm, C=500 uF, L = 2.15mH,



Given input Voltage Vin= 24V ( charge capacitor )

 Result : Maximum Voltage Vm=19 V, Time Period= 2.5 ms


Where, value of R= 10 m
ohm, C=500 uF, L = 2.15mH,

Result – if we double Resistance
value then Area, A double and time period T same.


Where, value of R= 10 m
ohm, C=1000 uF , L = 2.24mH,

Result – if we double
capacitance value then Area, A same and time period T same.


Where, value of R= 10 m
ohm, C=1000 uF , L = 1.14mH,

Result – if we Half inductor
value then Area A same and time period T same, means shape same.


Where, value of R= 10 m
ohm, C=1000 uF, L1+L2=1.01+1.14

Result – if we add two
inductor who’s same as inductor rating of previous experiment- 3, result is

Shape is double, time
period is increase at 3.5ms and V=30 Vm


Conclusion : we see behaviour of RLC circuit most important fact are seeing that is
behaviour of circuit according to it inductor , resistance and capacitance , if
we double the  value of resistance then
its shape is double to previous shape , if we half its inductor value nothing
is change its shape and time period . and if we double capacitor value nothing affect
it shape and time period. Interesting thing is shown on inductor value
different different shape and time period at overall inductor value is 2.24mH
with single inductor and use two inductor with summing value is same 2.24mH. In
using two inductor cases shape of graph is double and also time period is
increases you can see experiment- 3 and experiment-5.

Note : any query feel free to contact 

Experiment by 

Tips and Tricks engineer zone 


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